Technical assistance will focus on the computer-based inventory of the active, abandoned and closed miningwaste facilities and exchange of technical and scientific information for the implementation of the Directive2006/21/EC. The consultant will realise preparation of methodology for a risk-based inventory of closed andabandoned mining waste facilities, data collection about mining sites and waste facilities, site visits, study visits,a technical and scientific support for the improvement of existing laboratory facilities, training of staff about testsand methods used for prediction of acid mine drainage (AMD), classification of waste facilities, preparation of acomputer-based inventory of active, abandoned and closed mining waste facilities, preparation of rehabilitationplans for 2 mining waste facilities as samples, training for the staff and workshops with the mining sector andother related institutions
TR-Ankara: IPA — technical assistance for mining waste management
2010/S 139-212878 - Service procurement notice
TR-Ankara: technical assistance for mining waste management
2012/S 88-143381 - contract award notice