Going with the geochemical cycle

Together with Montana, GeoChemTec had the honor and pleasure to give a presentation on geochemical technology with minerals at Remtech Europe 2020

In our presentation, 'Going with the geochemical cycle', we show various case studies elucidating the application of geochemical technology with minerals for the treatment of heavy-metal contaminated water, rock and soil, from abandoned historic mines in Mediterranean countries.

Remtech Europe is part of RemTech Expo, the most important Italian event on remediation technologies with European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) as part of the scientific committee. The internationally oriented conference enables sharing of knowledge, new ideas and elucidating case histories, encouraging the development of remediation processes and application of innovative sustainable technologies, bringing suppliers of available services and technologies together with owners of environmental problems, providing a platform for discussion between various stakeholders.

Please, feel free to download the slideshow for further details